lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

블락비 (Block B) - 빛이 되어줘 (Be The Light) MV

Block B finally have made a comeback. Block B comeback was in 23-09-13

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Super Show in Argentina

El dia que vinieron a Argentina, el primer gurpo coreano que fue a la Argentina. Un pais que casi nadie sabe donde queda, o si existe. Esto demostro que ahora si existimos y saben dende estamos. 23.04.13 Ellos mismos dijeron que quedrian volver de nuevo, los impresionamos a todos ellos, con los animos, la felicidad y el amor que les dimos y ellos nos la dieron..

Super Junior SARANGHAE!!

Michy Wu~~

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

[MOZART!] Hyunseung - I Am, I Am Music

 I'm not a poet 
and I can't talk like a poet, 
I just say whatever that comes to mind, 
just whatever path my heart is headed. 
I'm not an artist, 
the beauty of light and dark 
I can't draw that, 
I can only draw my heart's hope in my dreams.
I'm not an actor, 
I don't know how to act. 
I want to live without lies, just the way it is. 
I want myself to seen the way I am,
the way I am.

I'm the major,I'm the minor, I'm the chorus, I'm the melody. 
My word, my sentence, my expression, my rhythm is in the music. 
I'm the beat, I'the resting mark, I'm the harmony. 
I'm the forte, I'm the piano, the dreams and fantasy. 
I am, I'm, I'm music. 
I can't imagine my life without music. 

I'm not a philosopher, 
I don't know anything, 
at the place everyone is laughing and huddled around, 
I'm always just there.
I don't know my manners,
I can careless if people tell me I'm disrespectful, 
I despise dull things. 
I don't want it, 
I don't need something like an ordinary life.
I think my heart is about to burst,
I search for freedom and glory, 
even though I may not know where I have to go,
I'm willing to leave, wherever that may be 
Love me exactly the way I am.

I'm the major, I'm the minor, I'm the chorus, I'm the melody. 
My word, my sentence, my expression, my rhythm is in the music. 
I'm the beat, I'the resting mark, I'm the harmony. 
I'm the forte, I'm the piano, the dreams and fantasy. 
I am, I'm, I'm music. 
Love me exactly the way I am.

I love this song, it's beautiful, the words, the lyrics are like my thoughts. music is my life, and this song inspired me even more. these words are my thoughts.